This is a time for tiny heartbreaks and limitlessness. Drawing near the end with and focus on goodbyes, not knowing what hellos will look like ahead. 13 days.
One for saying goodbye to the soapy smell of a yellow bathroom away from home.
One for sliding across golden floors and through looped layers of sound under a gradiose chandellier with four firece woman
One for sitting sweaty in a theater and feeling the competition in emotions between envy, awe, inspiration, wonder
one or two for pushing my bike up hills with memorized bumps, holes, breaks in architecture, glints of water
one for coaxing the camry up through the crest of mountains to the alcove of sleepy mining towns and sassy dear friends
a few to go through pictures and catalogue the decade of memories
13 to have these cats terrorize and love me like no other. . . and vice versa
not enough of them for studying the texture of tone, skin, shadow, perspective of each amazing person I've been lucky to know
13 more to watch Vera and me stand strong on our own.
that's right. saps back in action.
safe travels my friend, and i'll be seeing you soon! xoxo
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